Prekindergarten Pilot Program Coming To VCS


DeLand, FL - A pilot program that will help Volunteer Prekindergarten (VPK) students is coming to Volusia County Schools in January.  The VPK Progress Monitoring Pilot using Star Early Literacy moves up the assessment period for a child's readiness for kindergarten. 

The state is providing computers or iPads to all 32 classrooms spread over 23  VPK sites. The addition of the computers gives the students more time to become familiar with the computer and the assessment tool itself. 

The students will be assessed for the first time in January,  which allows teachers time to identify academic areas where the students need extra attention much earlier. That way they'll be better prepared for kindergarten.

"VPK serves many 4-year-olds who might otherwise not be able to attend a formal preschool program," said VCS Early Learning Coordinator Wendy Sydeski. "It is aligned with early learning and developmental standards and is designed to close the achievement gap and help preschool children transition to kindergarten successfully."

VPK teachers and administrators are being provided with new instructional resources and are receiving training on the new program now.

“Knowledge is power, and early learning is very important, so we are excited to be selected for the Star Early Literacy program,” Sydeski said. “We believe it will make a big difference for our students and their readiness for school.”

VCS, VPK, pilot program