Daytona Beach

Daytona City Commission to Consider $512.5k in Renovations to Jackie Robinson Ballpark


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - The Daytona Beach City Commission on Wednesday evening is set to consider funding a set of extensive renovations to Jackie Robinson Ballpark, home of the Daytona Tortugas. The measure would accept $512,500 in grant money from Daytona Beach Racing and Recreational Facilities.

The City Commissioners will vote to approve the grant as part of its consent agenda, a group of measures which usually don't warrant lengthy discussion. As such, it's likely the funds will be accepted in full.

Known as 'The Jack', Jackie Robinson Ballpark is one of the most popular live entertainment venues in Daytona Beach.
Known as 'The Jack', Jackie Robinson Ballpark is one of the most popular live entertainment venues in Daytona Beach.
Chris Gollon | WNDB

An agenda item summary says the money will go toward '[preserving] the history and legacy of Jackie Robinson and the ballpark which bears his name'. It also mentions ensuring the park stays in compliance with standards outlined by Major League Baseball, as the resident Tortugas are a minor league affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds.

The funds will be given to the city government in annual installments of $128,125 if approved, dependent on checks that they're being used as intended.

The consent agenda will be the first vote taken after the City Commission convenes at 6:00 pm Wednesday night. The issue of the Jackie Robinson Ballpark funds likely won't be addressed explicitly, but will be approved so long as the Commission passes consent.